Extended enterprise
When OSME was launched Wärtsilä announced that as an extended enterprise together with OSME it will further engage, support and leverage upon the skills and strengths of its partners. In such an extended enterprise the primary objective is to guarantee the continuous end-to-end flow of the materials needed for a customer order to be fulfilled. This means analyzing and continuously improving the value stream to eliminate backflows, scrap, and stoppages of all sorts so that the design, order, and production of the specific product can proceed smoothly.
In an extended enterprise, the supply chain partners must secure data integration, which calls for both real-time info as well quality data. Based on this the MVP now in development represents a distributed manufacturing concept aiming at strengthening efficiency and supporting innovativeness for improved competitiveness and sustainability of OSME and its partners. The MVP bridges the OSME general requirements with the practical challenges when integrating new solutions with existing legacy systems and has developed the interfaces and blueprint for safe data exchange. This has been based on the gradually evolving OSME IT architecture, which will be further discussed and improved in the upcoming workshop 24.3.2023. The next phase of platform development will introduce additional use cases relating to cybersecurity, data exchange, data gathering, analytics, monitoring, and user-friendliness.
The role of the common platform is to both improve the flow of material resulting in better productivity and more active participation of the suppliers in the development work of the principal. Through the new issue management process joint capability building will be strengthened. Common problem-solving practices, frequent communication, and a high level of engineers’ knowledge are the key requirements to make the network-level issue management process successful.
A digitally supported extended enterprise must be complemented by trust and commitment among the ecosystem participants for collaborative learning processes to evolve. As we soon will have the first version of the digital platform available as a testbed, we can increasingly pay attention on how to engage the OSME partners more actively into common development issues relating to product development.
OSME invites new members to expand the ecosystem, creating OSME 2.0. If you are interested in joining OSME, please contact Christian Sundman (christian.sundman(a)wartsila.com) or Niklas Koski (niklas.koski(a)synocus.com).