What we do
MEX Finland relentlessly pursues the adoption of digital and sustainability transformation in engineering and manufacturing. At its core is mechanical engineering, one of the highest value-adding business sectors of Finland, which provides globally cutting-edge applications embracing new technologies. Through its cross-disciplinary, systemic, and transformational initiatives MEX Finland contributes to keeping thought leadership as a key characteristic of the Finnish manufacturing sector.
Our mission
Undisputed leadership in advanced industrial equipment and processes.
Our vision
MEX Finland co-orchestrates a national network of innovation hubs integrating product design, manufacturing, and end-user value creation processes making Finland a global leader in manufacturing excellence.
MEX Finland drives transformation through three perspectives
Focus areas
Company-driven offering development initiatives, wherein a company has a need to test and verify some new technology, product, service or process in a real-world context, and is interested in joining MEX Finland to speed up its development efforts and benefit from the collaboration with other participants when forming a development project.
Market shaping
Systemic competence development where a systematic innovation development challenge has been identified and a system-wide approach is needed to resolve the issues. Systemic projects also have a knowledge acquisition and positioning role for Finnish competences and ecosystems.
Community building
Collaboration with institutions to provide partners with access to new knowledge from leading global experts. MEX Finland also seeks to expand the community to engage new relevant capabilities that support addressing new opportunities as well as marketing and communication to stakeholders.

Spearhead offering development and piloting
MEX Finland and its partners continually launch new offerings on the international markets based on successful piloting in Finland.

Export revenues
A key performance indicator for MEX Finland is the new export revenue created thanks to the company-specific initiatives supported by MEX Finland.

Leading authority
MEX Finland is recognized as a leading authority for mechanical engineering both academically and business wise, working closely with mechanical engineering companies and universities domestically and internationally.

Strengthening mechanical engineering image
MEX Finland revitalizes education and competence-building for attractive career building and raises awareness for investment opportunities.

A thriving community
Based on its early success, MEX Finland is committed to continuing as a market-driven community supporting its partners.
The best solutions are created in collaboration
MEX Finland welcomes new development ideas by change-minded organizations from business, government and research who have an interest in contributing to the transformation of the manufacturing sector. Please contact Niklas Koski from Synocus (niklas.koski(a)synocus.com) to learn about the possibilities to collaborate with MEX Finland. Synocus is the orchestration partner of MEX Finland.