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29 March 2022

Welcome to the MEX Finland breakfast webinar on Industrial Resilience on April 21st

To support the collaboration between MEX Finland members and encourage dialogue on interesting topics, MEX Finland has introduced regular breakfast webinars.

The next webinar on “Industrial Resilience” will be on Thursday, April 21st, 8:00-9:00 (EET).

When the European Union launched the Resilience and Recovery Facility (RRF) its aim was to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and make European economies and societies more sustainable, resilient, and better prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the green and digital transitions. Today, the interpretation of resilience is different from when the RRF was formed.

With the “Industrial Resilience” webinar, MEX Finland opens a discussion on how the new industrial landscape appears from the perspective of Finland’s resilience. MEX Finland and its partners are now cooperating to rapidly build new collaboration models and technological capabilities to deal with the increasingly volatile industrial context. This will also be discussed in the webinar.


8:00 Opening of the webinar – Juha Päivike, Chairman, MEX Finland
8:05 What is resilience?

  • The national perspective – Prof. Juha-Matti Lehtonen, National Defence University
  • The regional perspective – Magnus Qvant, Chairman, Resilient Regions Association

8:30 Industrial resilience, panel discussion, moderated by Johan Wallin, managing partner, Synocus

  • Resilient materials – Ilari Kinnunen, CEO, Sacometal
  • Comments by Prof. Juha-Matti Lehtonen and Magnus Qvant

8:50 Next steps, how to build resilience in our ecosystems? – discussion
9:00 Webinar ends

For those interested in learning more about the Resilient materials project, we will continue discussion on the project immediately following the webinar (9:00-9:30).

More about this webinar’s panelists:

Juha-Matti Lehtonen
Juha-Matti Lehtonen is Professor in Defence Acquisition at the Finnish National Defence University. His recent research themes have included defence cooperation, economic sanctions and security of supply.

Magnus Qvant
Magnus Qvant is the Chairman of the board of the Resilient Regions Association, based in Sweden. He has over 20 years of experience in training and practice in civil security and emergency management, both nationally and internationally.

Ilari Kinnunen
Ilari Kinnunen is the CEO of Sacometal, a leading bronze manufacturing and material resiliency company. The ambition of Sacometal is to be at the forefront of technology innovation in material science.

The webinar is free of charge and open to all

Please feel free to share this calendar invite with anyone in your networks you feel may be interested.
Attendees can join the webinar using this MS Teams link.

Please contact Niklas Koski (, +358 44 298 8909) if you have any questions.