9 March 2020
Business opportunities in Germany for robot and automation industries
Business Finland has recognized that there is a big annual market for robot and automation solutions in Europe. There is a scope for Finnish solutions to make an impact. Germany, for example, has a very large but at the same time challenging market. Business Finland aims to support Finnish solutions and systems providers around robotics and automation to enter the German market.
Two day kick-off in Finland
This first robotics and automation workshop to be held during March 2020 at Team Finland House in Helsinki will bring together those Finnish companies operating in this field, especially around systems and solutions of all kinds. Germany will be the focus country of this first event and – apart from the Finnish companies – several stakeholders from Germany will attend and give insight into the local market, prerequisites for success in Germany and examples of current projects. The following program is a draft overview of this first event.
Day one, Helsinki VIP-seminar (Wed 1.4.)
- 13.00 Seminar starts, Business Finland welcome
- 13.15 Keynote speech about Finnish know how & focus
- 13.45 Aalto University, Seppälä / Blech
- 15.15 Tampere University, Lantz / Latokartano
- 15.45 Panel discussions about opportunities and ways of cooperation forward
- 17.00 End of seminar
Day two, Helsinki company seminar (Thu 2.4., Hotel Scandic Park Helsinki)
- 09.00 Business Finland kick-off, Sustainable Manufacturing
- 09.30 ABB Oy Robotics & Manufacturing
- 10.00 AHP International
- 10.30 Fraunhofer IPA
- 11.00 Unternehmen TUM
- 11.30 Trinity project, Tampere University M. Lantz
- 12.00 Lunch
- 13.00 Mapvision Oy/Varjo Oy (tbd)
- 13.30 CPS Pekka Stuckert
- 14.00 Aalto doc.th / J Leinonen
- 14.30 Coffee
- 15.00 Next steps / Business Finland + others
- 16.00 End of seminar
Read more about the seminar and register here.